Ok, so I have this friend. I haven't known her for too long, but she's pretty cool (you know, pretty chill) but I know that her personality is one of..."special"character. So, almost every time I would talk about kpop around her I would always be talking about G Dragon (if you didn't know, he's my ultimate bias to infinity and beyond). Anyway, she eventually started taking a little interest in him and I was thinking "cool! Another kpop fan is gonna be born!" But then I found out what kind of fan she's starting out as...a noob fan (now, many people have many different meanings behind noob. Some are, in the sense of video games, someone who hasn't learned the ropes. Others are just more of a "new guy new job" sort of thing. But when it comes to kpop, for me, a "noob fan" means liking one or two sings and then labeling yourself as a hardcore kpop fan. No research, nothing. For her, it's two songs, G Dragon's "Heartbreaker" and "One of a Kind".
My opinion is, if you're gonna consider yourself a hardcore fan, of anything really, you need to really know what you're a fan of. Hence why I quit calling myself a "gamer" and switched to "I really like these certain games". So, as you can see, I am very irked by this, to the point where I have to just completely ignore it and just try to get her to listen to more songs so it won't be as bad.
You might think this is a complete waste of time and energy, but no matter how hard I try I can't get rid of the feeling. I'm not in complete control of my emotions, if I was I would be the most perfect, obedient human being on the face of planet (but I'm not) so, I'm writing my frustrations out instead.
I'm an irked Dragon in a lot of senses and cranky. So without further a do-goodnight.
A very Irked Dragon